Awww shi geez. I had written a post about the week I had but I got so worked up, rambling, even I couldn’t understand it! I’ll just give you a short version… Basically, I was stating the theory, “when it rains, it pours” is not a theory, it’s a fact. As I mentioned in this post, I cancelled my car insurance due to a huge rate increase.
• While inquiring for insurance else where, I found out there was an accident on my driving record I was not involved in- hence the rate increase! (raining…)
• I find a company that will insure me and as long as I sign a wavier, they will not count the accident in my premium.
• I’m a idiot.
• I had waited until the last minute to renew my registration. No registration = no insurance.
• I get a ride to the DMV and pay the fees only to find out my car needs to be smogged. No smog = no registration. (raining…)
• I drive my irresponsible, law-breaking self carefully to the smog dude.
• My car passed the smog test.
• The smog dude gets hit as he backs my car out of the garage.
• I have a wrecked car. (raining…)
• I get my tags and registration.
• I find out the DMV was to blame for the error on my driving record.
• I am told, I have to prove I was not in the accident before my record is fixed.
• Nobody can tell me what kind of proof is acceptable. But I need something.
• I find out my former insurance co. has a claim for car vandalism listed.
• My car was not vandalized, there was never a claim made. (pouring…)
• I sort through my mail that night and come across this Geico Insurance ad.
• I question myself. Coincidence? Car-Ma? The jingle hasn’t left my head since.
money I am now working on coming up with evidence to clean up the DMV’s mistake. Then I will hop on over to my old insurance co. and deal with the incorrect vandalism claim. Somewhere in between, I will take my car in for the needed repairs from the smog dude’s accident.
There are many ways you could look at this. My version is the best. a) If the DMV would have never screwed up, my insurance rates would not have increased. b) If my insurance would have never screwed up, my rates would not have increased. c) I would not have cancelled my insurance. d) None of the rest would have ever happened. :(
