I am dreading the week-end’s gloomy weather. I always seem to eat more when it’s cold. I always seem to sleep more when it’s gloomy. If you don’t hear from me for a few days, it’s not because I have run off to Bora Bora to soak up the sun. Chances are I am in bed asleep, popping Bon-Bon’s each time I fluff a pillow, roll over or get up to go potty.
It has just donned on me I have not posted any new “Random Acts of Kindness” lately and I probably won’t be doing that today either.
I had not seen the couple that live in the apartment next to us in awhile. We have always been friendly, more in a neighborly way and not so much in a up in each others business way. We would say hi to each welcomeother, talk about the weather….I recently commented on their really cute, new welcome mat but that’s about it.  So to be fair, they really didn’t owe me an explanation as to where they had been or where they were going.  I really thought they had moved, Let me just cut through the chase. After 3+ weeks of not seeing them, I conveniently took over their parking space and…hijacked their really cute, new welcome mat. (For the record, I rolled it up and put it out in a storage container.) Two weeks later I came home to find someone parked in my parking space. After I found an alternate place to park, I waddled up towards my apartment only to find their lights on. After locking myself inside and closing all the blinds I paced back and forth. I practiced my “no, I don’t know what happened to your really cute, new welcome mat” face, contemplating the best way to dig myself out of this one. I will just sneak it back in the middle of the night, I will tell them how I heard the other neighbor talking about how cute it was, I will just be honest. I somehow found the courage to knock on their door, I am sure as they opened it they could see low-life, guilty thief written all over my face. I first asked if everything was o.k., explaining I was concerned because I hadn’t seen them, (good conversation starter) they explained they had changed jobs and were traveling all the time. “Oh, o.k., I thought you had moved….” *giggles* “I have been parking in your parking spot…” I confess. “That’s fine, we are never here.” No mention of the really cute, new welcome mat, should I just quit while I’m ahead? After a bit of small talk, I start to walk away and out of nowhere I spew, “I took your (really cute, new) welcome mat.” She informs me she hadn’t even noticed it missing. I assure her I will put it back….,”No problem.” I go home with a great since of relief. A few days ago as my mom and I were walking out to her car, we passed their door. Once in side the car with windows up and doors locked I confess my horrific behavior. She gave me that, you’re 40 something and I taught you better than that look. I explained how I gave it back, and even told them I stole it….I didn’t have to say anything….nobody would have known. “But you would have had to live with it.” “But, in a sense mom, it was a Random Act of Kindness.” In a heartbeat, she pulled the rug right out from under me (no pun intended) “No Heidi, if anything you broke even on this one.”
On to an important announcement; If you, or anyone you know witnessed me in a car accident in Southern California on 3-13-08, please contact me A.S.A.P. It appears I have an extreme case of amnesia and may be in need of medical attention. True story! While I  have never had even a ticket in my life, I’ve sure had my share of accidents this past year. I was involved in an accident on March 31st, and despite 2f6a89088b951138a914457058f717944364a4d3my previous driving record, I knew my insurance would take some sort of hit. Come time to renew my policy, I was shocked…mortified at my new premium. I couldn’t help but wonder how people with a ticket and a accident could afford insurance, or someone who had a history of tickets. (Were they stealing and selling neighbors really cute, new welcome mats to make ends meet?) So I decide to call around for some quotes elsewhere. I answer the usual questions, they will call me in the morning with the numbers. The nice lady called within an hour, she had ran my DMV report and wondered why I hadn’t mentioned the 3/13 “incident.” I had no clue what she was talking about, that was my first clue I had amnesia. There were 2 accidents showing on my report, one for March 31st check I remember that, the other 3/13, I have no clue. After talking with her for a bit and kind of convincing her I wasn’t looney, she came to the conclusion either my insurance co. or the DMV had really screwed up. March 31st had some how been recorded twice, once as 3/31 and again as 3/13. Just a number or two switched around…..Hopefully it warms up by Monday so I am able to set the Bon-Bon’s aside and roll out of bed long enough clean up this mess.
With that being said, I’m going to go climb in bed, grab myself a good dictionary and look up the word KARMA!
