You know when somebody has a really good secret…you already know it but have to wait for them to share it with you? Or when that present under the Christmas tree is the exact dimensions of something you really want…but you have to wait to open it? What about when your favorite meal is cooking…you can smell it, but you have to wait until it’s done to dive in?

Well, what if that really good secret was never shared with you? Or that present wasn’t even for you? How would you feel if your favorite meal wasn’t edible because you mistakenly let it burn?
(I don’t know, maybe you were all too consumed with the secret and the present)

Get where I’m going with this?

What if you discovered a cocoon? What if you watched that cocoon for say…oh a very long time? Smiling every time you see it…at the thought of what is transpiring within those silky walls. Waiting, wondering and anticipating the newly evolved life to emerge…

You share your excitement with others…they smile, finding your enthusiasm endearing. They find your enthusiasm entertaining…actually, they find it downright hysterical.

It was like the secret that was never shared, the gift that wasn’t meant for you, and the dinner that you burned. You are disappointed, feeling a small sting in your pride.

What if you discovered a cocoon? What if you watched that cocoon for say…oh a very long time? What if you found out that cocoon was really a…..





cotton ball?

Just curious….
because the same thing just happened to me a friend too.