Gretchen’s Twitter…

omg! All the stories being posted r ridic! Seriously making me laugh a little!

funny how blogs completely make up lies in order to have a story!

I think it’s safe to assume she is referring to today’s courtroom drama. Interestingly enough, Slade has been a little quiet. Perhaps he is actually busy preparing for the next hearing so he doesn’t have to walk in to court with an empty brief case…again. Does this dynamic duo really believe they are above the law? It appears that somewhere along the line, they have lost the true sense of, well…reality. The world they live in seems to be nothing short of a fantasy, consisting of puppy dog tails and rainbows. Nothing lasts forever though…

“…According to court documents and, Smiley, 41, owes between $84,962 and $110,000 in back child support to Michelle Arroyo of Los Angeles. They are the parents to Grayson Arroyo-Smiley, 10, who suffers from a rare form of brain cancer (diffuse fibrillary astrocytoma) and has been in and out of hospitals since preschool….”
Read the full story at Orange County Register

Long story short. You make a baby, you take responsibility. No if ands or buts. Period. •Check back in the next day or so, I will be posting some new information on this. Most Wanted Deadbeats