Reality Bytes- Part 8

Who is the real Gretchen Rossi? As Gretchen and Slade are out canoodling on a yacht Spencer and Heidi style, a few more skeletons emerge from the O.C. “Wives” closet, leaving even the most sympathetic of fans disappointed. The latest revelation, a recent comment by Jeff Beitzel’s ex-wife. This comment was verified by Reality Tea, and after some research of my own, agree, it is legitimate!

In the never ending drama of the OC housewives, Jeff’s ex wife and mother of his three children Sharon spoke out recently and cleared the air on the whole Gretchen issue. She posted this as a comment on our other blog. We were able to verify with 100% certainty that the comment was indeed written by Sharon. What she had to say is very interesting.

“My kids do NOT and NEVER have adored Gretchen….they know exactly what she’s about and what she’s up to and has been up to all along and their Dad knew it too. My daughter, Jill making any statement re. Gretchen explained that she simply doesn’t want anymore negative comments written about her Dad which is embarrassing and hurtful to her and her brother and sister. Jill appearing to defend Gretchen (slightly) is done only to quiet any negative statements made about her Dad period. Our three kids, Jennifer, Jill and Jake (Lizzy is not Jeff’s daughter, nor mine…she’s a long-time friend of our daughter Jill) are not fans of Rossi at all and how they describe her in real terms, isn’t nice and hasn’t been nice historically. The fact is, Jeff was never going to marry her and she knows it but likes to play it like they were so much in love (gee…wonder why???). I’ve known Jeff for 25 years and I did visit him in August while he was in the hospital at which time we talked a lot. What I know is totally different than what Gretchen portrays which means, I know the truth and she knows that I know the truth. Sometimes I feel pity for her which is about the most I can feel given all of her lies over the course of time. I really feel sorry for her family, especially her Mom.

My kids are so far above Gretchen in integrity, self-respect and character that it’s really embarrassing that they were ever exposed to her to begin with. Jeff said he was lonely and knew that he appeared desperate to a lot of people, probably both and not unlike a lot of people that are in their mid-life. Gretchen badgered him into being part of this show to begin with and Tamra exposing Gretchen for the fraud she is was gutsy even knowing that she’d experience some backlash from it. Gretchen screwing around on Chris with Jeff and on Jeff with Jay and Jay with Slade naturally would have it’s downside and if Gretchen believed that all of this would remain secret means that she is about as intelligent as a box of rocks. So….Jay exposed her…she’s earned all the disrespect she’s been given and gives to others and if she believes she deserves an iota of respect at all, well….I’m back to the box of rocks intellect again.”
Stay tuned, I have a feeling this is far from over.