Exclusive interview with Jay Photoglou

“I want Gretchen Rossi prosecuted for filing a false police report against me,” ex-boyfriend Jay Photoglou tells RadarOnline.com exclusively.

“In the past year Gretchen has done nothing but lie about me and our relationship and used law enforcement in a malicious and frivolous manner. She falsely filed a restraining order against me that was dismissed and then filed two false police reports against me accusing me of theft.”

“Both of these criminal reports were investigated by the Costa Mesa PD and both were flatly rejected for prosecution by the Orange County District Attorney.” Read full story at RadarOnline.com

*View letters from and Jay’s attorney
and Costa Mesa Chief of Police

Another miscommunication?


While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions.
~Stephen Covey