Do you ever wonder who your true friends are…the ones that are going to be there for you through thick or thin? I do.
My sister (thanks Wen) wants me to check out her “myspace” page.
Sure, if you check out my “whatsleftofmyhead” page.
Now, I’ll be the first to admit as internet savvy as I feel I might be, I was lost at this “myspace” place. Not only lost….I felt very unwelcome.
And, since I am just coming to terms with the fact, I have no friends I will vent my frustrations here.
So, I am checking out my sisters “space”…wow, she has lots of friends….look at the cute pictures, (before I could even see the pics. I had to “sign in” fair enough!)…. so, at least I got this far. Yahoo! I decide to comment on one of these cute pictures and it says:
Now this is my sister for crying out loud….how much worse can it get? Whatever, I know some of her friends too, I will just go to their “space” perhaps I could comment on one of their pictures. Then this happened:
Am I to watch the mail for this invitation…have they all already been sent out…did it get lost in the mail like my family reunion invitation???
Now I’m feeling pretty low by now. Does the “myspace” web server dude guy not know that being informed via the world wide web you have no friends can really send someone on a downward spiral? Does he not care? (I am assuming it is a guy!) Probably not.
Was my sister trying to play a cruel joke on me? (ha ha I got friends and you don’t) Your “space,” my “space,” It’s all just a conspiracy. If you ever really want to see just how many friends you don’t have check it out, it’s true…
I would like to reassure any and all that visit this site. I will be your friend, you will always be welcome to my “space” Whats Left Of My Head!