In a matter of seconds you will realize I truly have no life.
I love Froot-Loops, dry, right out of the box. I’ve recently discovered, the generic version, ‘Fruit and Frosted O’s’ (hence, the title of this post) I must admit, I think they are just as good….and a good, fruited loop is not easy to find.
Anyways, today I was watching T.V., popping one loop after another. It was commercial, I was bored so I thought I would glance at the box and see what the secret is behind these frosted treats. It was then I came across this little word game on the back of the box. Remember “Ad-Libs”? Where you, (without reading the story) fill in the blanks with Nouns, Adjectives, etc… Then you read it back and laugh hysterically. Well I didn’t laugh hysterically, but I did humor myself by playing this little game. Here’s what I ended up with:
fruit-loops.jpgTold you!