A few days ago I uploaded a few pictures to share on our local newspaper’s website in the “Reader Photos” category. Today I received the following email:
Heidi, (that’s me!!)
We’re featuring photos submitted via our Web site by community members, (just a few thousand!) and we’d like to print your photo (mine!!) in the newspaper. (read by millions?!) In order to do so, we need a little bit of information: (my social security # is 547….)
We need to know the name of the person who submitted the photo (I did, I did!), the city you call home, the names and cities of the people in the photo, a brief description of what’s happening in the photo and what makes this particular photo special to you. (they want me to write an article too?!?!?!)
Please get back to me at xxxxxxx as soon as possible. (because they are dying to print it!!!)
Thanks! xxxxx
I posted the picture on here a few months ago…but now that it’s going to be famous (me too!!) have another look!  ;)
