My baby turned 23 this week and this Mama’s a hot mess! Really. Clearly, this can only mean one thing, I am no longer a Spring Chicken. It wasn’t that long ago, in fact it seems like yesterday I celebrated my 26th Birthday (yep, I have a kid that age too) with my son’s at Las Brisas in Laguna Beach.  Where. Did. All. The. Years. Go?

ry 23

I guess it’s time to put my big girl panties on and accept I’m old as dirt my age. I need to learn to embrace each and every gray hair, wrinkle, pound, hot flash, memory lapse, wrinkle, hot flash, memory la…. It is just a number anyways, right? Right?
As for my birthday boy, may you have a wonderful year and many, many more to follow. And dude…enjoy your youth because in a few years, you too will be wondering- Where. Did. All. The. Years. Go?
I love you!!!
