glassesI‘m in denial about a few things, age being one of them. Recently, I was smacked in the face butt with reality. I need glasses. This isn’t a revelation I have just had, just one I’ve ignored…until now.

I have nothing against glasses, in fact both my kids have worn them since grade school. My mom and sister wear them, I have had just always prided myself with the fact I have had amazing eyesight. It’s pretty much my mom’s fault for reminding me that “one day when [I get] old, I too will be blind as a bat.” That day has come.

The reality became obvious on a recent evening walk. I love my walks, they are a time for me to clear my head and do some (are you ready for this one?) deep thinking. I guess you can say I often get caught up in my own little world on these journeys.

The other night I encountered an unexpected sprinkle, cutting my  deep-thinking, clear-headed time short. I rushed back to my apartment, taking a quick glance at the apartment number, (if you know me well enough, you could probably figure out why) and proceeded to open the door. It was locked…well it wasn’t locked when I left. Maybe my boyfriend came home and locked it, so I knock. Nothing. I knock again…louder, “Hello, it’s me open the door!” Again, nothing. I take a 2nd glace at the apartment number, uh-oh, not mine. (1 out of 2 numbers isn’t that bad is it?)

Oblivious to my surroundings, I now notice a neighbor had come out to see what the loud mouth knocking was all about. All I could do was walk away. Trying to look calm and collective as if I hadn’t just made the biggest ass out of myself, I turn around and give him a weak smile. He did not smile back, his glare however made it clear he was not taking his eyes off of me until I was long gone. The next thing I knew, I was picking myself butt up off the ground. How did I not see those 3 steps I have walked up and down for the past year? A glutton for punishment, I do another quick look back. Yes, he is still watching me, was he smiling? Probably, but how would I know…I can’t see that far!!!

Ha Ha mom, you were right.
I will be hauling my bruised butt (and ego) in for a new set of glasses…A.S.A.P.
